Fiery the angels
fell, Deep thunder rolled around their shores, Burning with
the fires of Orc. Roy Batty
- May we forever remember that in each and
every moment we are composing the stories of our lives. Let's
aim to make it a meaningful read, or at least an interesting
one. Dr Richard Brown (Professor
of English)
- A child points, and is taught a word. Tree. Later, he learns
to distinguish this tree from all the others. He learns its
particular name. He plays under the tree. He dances
around it. Stands beneath its
branches, for shade or shelter. He kisses under it, sleeps
under it, he weds under it. He marches past it on his way to
war, and limps past it on his journey home. A king is said to
have hidden in this tree. A spirit may dwell within its bark.
Its distinctive leaves are carved onto the tombs and monuments
of his landlords. Its wood might have built the
galleons that saved his ancestors
from invasion. And all this, the general and the specific, the
national and the personal, all this, he knows, and feels,
and summons somehow, however
faintly, with the utterance of a single sound.
'Oak.' Saxon word. Proto-Germanic. Cognates in Old
Norse. 'Eik.' Language is never nonsense. Language
is meaning. History. Layer upon layer upon layer. And a word
without meaning is what? Merely a sound”. Joseph Wright, Ph.D.
(Professor of Comparative Philology)
- I don't know what it is with you guys
and your generation. Don't you guys live life outside the
goddamn phone? Earl Stone
―I have been wanting to meet you for a long time. I have simply
walked in unannounced. Would you please forgive this informality?
―Yes, Yes. Please, make yourself at home.
―May I really? This is so very good of you. I like unconventional
behavior so extremely.
―Again, my apologies. Sorry about this. Do sit down, I won't be
―Oh, no, no, please. I do like people who do the unconventional.
―Yes, it makes me feel we have been friends for a long time.
- Ramon Fonseca : Saving the world, as it turns out, is very
hard, you know? Long hours, bad pay, and perhaps the world does
not want to be saved... At some point, you decide it might just
be easier to save yourself. So, I became a lawyer for the
- Ramon Fonseca : Inside all of us, there are packs of wolves,
some flocks of sheep roaming through our thoughts. We want to be
fair, and yet, we want to win. We want to be righteous, but we
want to get ahead. Such is our struggle.
- What makes life mean something is
purpose. A goal, a battle, a struggle. Even if you don't win
it. Richard M. Nixon
- Success in America is unlike success
anywhere else. David Frost
- Vienna is like Paris without the
French. David
- You are
exceptional. You are a person who had achieved great fame
without possessing any discernible quality. Caroline Cushing
- No matter how high we
get, the snobs still look down at us. No matter how many
awards, or column inches are written about you or high
the elected office is for me, it's still not enough. We
still feel like the little man, the loser they told us
we were a hundred times. The smart-asses at college, the
high-ups, the well-born, the people whose respect we
really wanted, really craved. And isn't that why we work
so hard now, why we fight for every inch, scrambling our
way up in undignified fashion? If we're honest for a
minute, if we reflect privately just for a moment, if we
allow ourselves a glimpse into that shadowy place we
call our soul, isn't that why we're here now? The two of
us? Looking for a way back into the sun, into the
limelight, back onto the winner's podium. Because we
could feel it slipping away. We were headed both of us,
for the dirt! A place the snobs always told us that we'd
end up. Face in the dust. Humiliated all the more for
having tried so pitifully hard. Richard M. Nixon
- You've got no idea how fortunate
that makes you... Having that facility, that
lightness, that charm. I don't have it. I never
did. I'm better suited to a life of thought,
debate, intellectual discipline. Richard M. Nixon
- You're in America, now. So you have to be the best version of
yourself. Dr Bennet Omalu
- Sometimes in life, you're asked to leave it alone. But
sometimes you can't. ... I never leave it alone. That's why
people hate me. Dr Cyril Wecht
- Do you mind getting your beak out of
your phone? Gus Lobel
―Mickey Lobel: You nervous?
―Rigoberto Sanchez: No, ma'am. It's just
a game.
- I'm not like you.
You say things and people listen. And I'm not like that.
Todd Anderson
- The meek might inherit the earth but they
don't make it into Harvard. Neil Perry
- Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of
life. Worse still, we take this step with the false
presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as
hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to
the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning
will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at
evening will have become a lie. Carl Jung
- There are over 200 species under the genus 'rosa'. And
there's a rose database that has over 6000 variations of roses.
It seems almost excessive. Joe
- This is a service station. We offer service. Service to
others... There's no higher purpose. Soc
- Do you know what's the difference between me and you? You
practice gymnastics, I practice everything. Soc
- The Lord fashioned us a little above the beast, and a little
below the angels. But He gave us a choice.
- I’ll tell you what I know to be true.
It helps me in times when I’m feeling unsure. I know that we
are descendants of a mighty people, who gave civilization to
the world. People who survived the hulls of slave ships across
vast oceans. People who innovate and create and love despite
pressures and tortures unimaginable. They are in our
bloodstream. Pumping our hearts every second. They’ve prepared
you. You are already prepared. Amelia Boynton
- Never get on the bad side of
small-minded people who have a little authority. Evelyn Adler
- There's no rhyme or reason to this life.
It's days like today scattered among the rest. Marcus
- Feelings aren't facts. Bridges [attorney at law]
- The money, the property, the belongings.
The things one acquires in one's lifetime. The things by which
one measures one's life.
- We accept the love we think we deserve. Mr Anderson (High
School English teacher
- Anyone can figure out life when you're looking back on it. But
we got to live it going forward. Dolores
- Ihre englisch ist sehr gut, fast perfekt. You hit the
consonants a tad hard, though. Marshal Teddy Daniels to Dr.
Jeremiah Naehring
- It's "Your Majesty", the first time. After that, it's "ma'am",
as in "ham". Not "ma'am", as in "palm". Queen Elizabeth
TV series
- You make me feel so important, I forgot
what I was going to say! Lieutenant Columbo
- Good lawyers worry about facts, great lawyers worry about
their opponents. Harvey Specter
- Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of
life. Worse still, we take this step with the false
presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as
hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to
the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning
will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at
evening will have become a lie. Carl Jung
- Our needs are limited, but our desires are endless. I may need
only two shirts, but I want to have 20, 30... Either for my ego,
or my greed, or to impress other people.
- Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't
resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Lao
- The Tao does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone. Tao Te Ching
- Be yourself;
everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde
Cricket (insect) experts
- There are height primary traditional hobbies in China: music,
Chinese chess, calligraphy, painting; and keeping flower, birds,
fish and insects. Zhao Boguang
- Mankind and cricket are the same. They both are bionts. So
they are affected by the six factors in nature. Bai Feng (白峰)
- The longer I live the more I would like to put the world in
suspension and grip the present before it's eaten by the next
second and becomes the past. A painting creates an illusion of
an eternal present, a place where my eyes can rest as if the
clock has magically stopped ticking. Siri Hustvedt